Yoga Wisdom at Work : Finding Sanity Off the Mat and on the Job (9781459661462)

In the Western world, the yoga practice associated with doing poses on a mat benefits millions of devotees every day. Yet few people realize that the physical practice is rooted in a larger philosophy offering profound insights that can help people confront the complexities of daily life, especially at work. Maren and Jamie Showkeir's unprecedented book brings into crisp focus the full range of yoga's rich, transformational benefits. Based on the traditional Eight Limbs of Yoga (the postures, or asanas, are only one limb), it offers straightforward, practical suggestions on how to integrate yoga's ancient philosophy and beautiful spiritual principles into the modern workplace. The Showkeirs know firsthand how yoga's wisdom can make work - and life - more rewarding and worthwhile. They explain each of yoga's tenets and show how a broad, steadfast practice leads to a productive, creative, and energizing work environment. The book offers illuminating stories from people in professions such as banking, law enforcement, film directing, education, and more. These living examples illustrate how yoga's teachings reduce stress and increase meaning and satisfaction at work. The Showkeirs believe passionately that a physical practice alone will barely scratch the surface of yoga's transformative powers. Much more than a simple how - to book, Yoga Wisdom at Work is an invitation to use the Eight Limbs to cultivate the spark of the divine that dwells within each of us. Yoga's precepts offer you the keys for staying centered, compassionate, positive, and sane every hour of the day - including from nine to five. ''A significant contribution to the body of literature bridging East and West, the Showkeirs' work provides a powerful guide for applying the principles of yoga to develop human potential and enhance work satisfaction. Highly recommended.'' - Howard C. Cutler, MD, coauthor of The Art of Happiness (with the Dalai Lama) ''Maren and Jamie show that yoga is not just about poses - yoga practice is about creating the stillness of mind that will allow you do the work you were meant to do. Read this book!'' - Russell Simmons, co - founder of Def Jam, author of Super Rich: A Guide to Having It All

Product details

  • Paperback | 374 pages
  • 197 x 254 x 15.49mm | 508.02g
  • Richmond, BC, Canada
  • English
  • Large type / large print
  • [Large Print]
  • 145966146X
  • 9781459661462

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